CCWDM is Compact CWDM (Compact Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing), which is a wavelength division multiplexing technology based on TFF (Thin Film Filter). It works in the same way as CWDM modules, except that CCWDM uses free space technology (As shown in Figure 1), compared with the common CWDM fiber cascading method (as shown in Figure 2). The package size of CCWDM is smaller than CWDM and with lower insertion loss and better consistency. CCWDM can be used to replace the CWDM products in telecommunications, corporate networks, PON networks, cable TV and other fields. The lower insertion loss makes the CCWDM module have lower signal attenuation when used, thereby reducing the power requirements of the signal transmitter.

image.pngPro-optics's CCWDM module uses free space technology to transmit optical signals by using an independent sealed space. The working mode is the same as CWDM, first input(output) signal from the COM terminal, and then output (input) optical signal through TFF (film filter) for other port transmission. CCWDM module can save more space by using parallel optical path cascading of free space technology different from CWDM optical fiber cascading method. Pro-optics’s CCWDM module has mature production technology and stable and reliable performance. It supports an ambient temperature of -40 ~ + 85 ° C to ensure stable transmission of signals.


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