DWDM C-band Tunable ZR/OPEN ZR+/Metro

P04CFP2-M35(Client 100GE/OTU4),P04CFP2-M30(Client 100GE)

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400G CFP2 DCO 40/80/450km

The Acacia DP04CFP2-Mxx CFP2 Form Factor Pluggable module is compliant to the CFP2 MSA specification and is ideally suited for the IPoDWDM and OTN coherent transceiver/transponder (TRXR/TRPN) applications defined by OIF 400ZR [8], IEEE 802.3TM-2018 [13] and interfaces defined by the OpenROADM v2.0,3.0 MSA specifications [10],[11]. The optical reach spans the ER (40km), and ZR (80km) ranges with C-FEC and metro reaches (greater than 450km) with OpenFEC.



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